Monday, April 9, 2007

Fire Don Imus!

NEW YORK - After being criticized for his racially charged comments about the Rutgers University women’s basketball team, radio host Don Imus said Monday that he’s a good person who said a bad thing and will check his acid tongue.
“Here’s what I’ve learned: that you can’t make fun of everybody, because some people don’t deserve it,” he said on his nationally syndicated radio show. “Because the climate on this program has been what it’s been for 30 years doesn’t mean it’s going to be what it’s been for the next five years or whatever because that has to change, and I understand that.”
Imus said he was “embarrassed” by the remarks, in which he referred to the mostly black team as “nappy-headed hos.” He said he had made the comments in the course of “trying to be funny,” but he was not trying to excuse them.

Here is what the Associated Press reported about Don Imus this morning regarding derogatory comments he made about the Rutgers Women's Basketball team. We ABSOLUTELY need to rid mainstream America of these types of comments and language once and for all. It should not be OK to say them and then just "write them off" as trying to be funny or to just brush them under the rug as a "simple mistake". One does not say these things without meaning them in some degree. People certainly make mistakes and hopefully will learn from them, but to continue to do this over and over again is not acceptable.

Having been subject to these types of comments about my weight, I know first-hand about how destructive mere words can be. Imus, particularly being in the public eye, must realize how powerful his words are and that millions of people hear them each day. The more you refer to African-American female athletes as "nappy-headed hos", the more people will believe this to be true. Have respect for your fellow human being and the world will be a much better place!

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