Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- XM Satellite Radio shock jocks Opie and Anthony apologized Friday for airing a homeless man's crude comments that he'd like to have sex with Condoleezza Rice, Laura Bush and Queen Elizabeth.
The remarks were made on their show Wednesday by a guest the duo call Homeless Charlie. As the name of each woman came up, the guest said he would like to have sex with her — using language not fit for print.
Opie and Anthony laughed as they imagined Rice's "horror" while describing a violent sexual encounter in which Rice is punched in the face.
Washington-based XM condemned the remarks.

This article disturbed me even more than what Don Imus had done. Please...do not think I am condoning anything Don Imus did, however, to laugh while describing a violent sexual encounter in which a woman (and in this case, the Secretary of State!) is punched in the face, is deplorable and has no place on radio.

Do the DJs think about all of the teenage boys that listen to their station and now think it is OK to have violent sex with a woman in such a manner?

I have not heard about the aftermath of this situation just yet, but I want the public to realize that the more we hide behind "comedy" to perpetuate the degradation of women and the stereotyping of people of color, we can never progress as a society in a positive way.

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