Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Why Mr. Imus?

I wanted to ask Mr. Imus why he said such hurtful things to the girls at the Rutgers basketball team.

I have been teased by others because my name is Stinky, but I know that I am a good dog and am very lovable. My mom taught me that we must accept others for all of their differences and not judge based on outward factors.

I do not understand why Mr. Imus or anyone for that matter, would use words that are so hurtful to others. He never even met these girls...why would he say such a thing?

I encourage all of you kids out there (and your parents) to make sure that you never use this type of language that hurts other people. It isn't until we all know how much words can hurt that we will treat each other with respect.

Stinky the Bulldog

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I´m a german bulldog-fan and bulldogowner - you can see my honey on www.ourredarrow.blogspot.com. I'm well-pleased to hear about the national bulldogs are beautiful day. It is a good idea! Stinky looks good - he ist very cute. In future perhaps i will get an Stinky Book too.
Viele liebe Grüße aus Germany
Red Arrow